Wednesday, July 10, 2002

i think i'm already getting used to reaching sch at this time.. although it really could have been a lot earlier... relieved to find my file on my desk when i came to class... (u see, the day before, brendan took my file together with the sec 2 notes that he wanted, which were all in a plastic bag) At least i had my chinese notes to study for the test today.. couldn't study yesterday mah....

sang xi shui chang liu and stand up for singpore for assembly.... got really sick of the stand up for singapore... no, i dun hate my nation... but it's juz that when i get reminded that we're playing this for national day, i... i... nvm..
then, Deputy principal lin toked to us about zuo4 ren2, zuo4 shi4 (literal translation: make human, make thing) or zuo4 shi4, zuo4 ren2. i mean, what's the diff anyways? then he went on toking about how good and bad the chinese are, in front of the chinese visitors.. wonder how they felt... Eugene Chan said that he was trying very hard to sound like jacky wu... making all those stewpid sounds which nv failed to make us laugh (or mock).

finished the chinese test... not that difficult, but ok... then went to see mrs ke. about our project... it's gonna fail for the projects day tomorrow, i'm sure... dun ask me y...

started practicing erhu... sumthing when i've not done in yrs.... muz be because of the lesson the day before... Flopped until i could flop anymore... so muz practice.... but stopped after 1/2 hour.. then had dinner..

watched "fantasy" on channel 8... ok plot, nice song, think i'm gonna watch every episode.... i have the time anyways...

writing this now.. going to slp in a few moments.. my grandma says i lack sleep... and i agree totally.. juz tt i can't do anything about it....

oh yah...will be going to kukup (malaysia) during national day holidays... so much for ai4 guo2 huh??

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