Monday, July 01, 2002

was at the school computer lab having lessons with MISS. Ng Soo Nee... so bored until wanted to enter another blog.. but then sadly, the lesson was up before i could finish it... and now, i'm filling it in...
had lunch at hcjc with timothy, sebastian and eugene chan. saw Zixian when we were going.. wanted to smile at him..but timothy pulled me away for sum reason.. felt bad afterwards becoz of not greeting him?
started on my maths homework in MPH while waiting for erhu lessons to start.. u see, i could only have the time from 8-10 to revise for the dumb Bio revision test on TYS tomorrow.. but then, i still could not finish it... wat a slow worker.. =P...
ZLS arrive quite punctually, then tested us.... then in the midst of teseting, junkai brought out a gaohu with a broken head.. then the fun started... he went into the "huqin graveyard"(the small storeroom) and dug out a few "survivors" and tried to save them, wasting a great amt of time... then i got tested.. flopped most of it... but who cares... at the end of the lesson, he announced tt we had to come for lessons tomorow again... what a bast**d...
reached home late becoz of the jam at bt. timah road.. had dinner, then revised for the damned test..took me 2 hours, then didn't care for the rest of the TYS already...
online now.. writing what u are seeing...

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