Monday, December 31, 2007

Haven't really updated in a long time, so here's a final update for this year..

dec hols haven't been much fun, esp when the last 2 weeks were supposed to be for mugging.. and what makes it worse is that every thing happens during these 2 weeks!

Let's start with the class gathering. all thank's to xo, i only made it to junny's house at 12midnight. i guess partly because i alighted at the wrong stop and foolishly decided i would be streetwise enough to walk to his house from there. Seriously, when i couldn't even walk from parkway to ecp?!Anyways it was really fun, i finally got a high high from alcohol instead of feeling dreadful and slpy. and i guess u guys had fun laughing at me too!

then it's sebas's christmas party, an annual event that will sadly be ending.. but nevertheless, it was really the highlight of every christmas season i had. really enjoyed the time spent with friends i haven't seen in a long time.

lastly it was kboxing with jingquan and yiwang. it was really the most dreadful (but fun nonetheless) kboxing session i had! 8 long hours of singing spread between 3 ppl. from 7pm to 3am! near the end of it i was cmi le, only yiwang was still full of energy, and he had to pay for that buy treating us to lunch! this is another annual get together that we have. really grateful that they still bother to ask me out!

of cos lastly (really. lastly...) there's mugging in the woodlands lib, sch, cdans country club and warren golf club.going thru everywhere i still prefer wdlands lib. quieter, less pressure and nicer environment. and of cos all the nice memories there.
and to prove the medicine is all ard...

no prize for guess what that is!

ok that's it for this entry. notice i had nothing abt my b'dae. that cos it was spent mugging at swimming. -_- but thanks ppl for the sms-es! didn't reply u guys, so i'll say thanks here (altho i bet more than half of u dun come here anymore). ok b4 my class kills me for being late, have a happy year ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


anw don't bluff la you like woodlands library cos it's near where i live. muahahahahaha. may the force be with you.
