Monday, August 06, 2007

Having absolutely nothing to do and all the time in the world to surf food blogs, i made this for lunch today!! It's curry (egg) udon if you can't tell. well. u probably can't tell at all, and i'll tell u why. It's ALL made from scratch!

Curry's made from whole spices such as cumin, cloves and stuff (no premix!) and udon's made from flour and egg. Curry tasted good, but udon was a tad too chewy. note to self: use normal flour instead of bread flour next time.

Oh and i was at hougang mall having lunch with my family, when i saw these light decors. and i was like wtf! why would anyone place giant glowing anus-es on the ceiling! right on top of the restaurant tables somemore.


ger said...

why spoil ur own lunch -_-"

eugene said...

looks like opened combat rations to me

Zhiyong said...

hahahaha at least i didn't blow up my oven! hurhurhurhurhur..

Anonymous said...

hmmm... impressive attempt. looks unpalatable though.

Guess who is this?