Friday, December 31, 2004


hm. this is a conversation i had with someone while talking about a certain somebody:

XXX says:
1. you're not as tall as him
XXX says:
2. you're not as shuai as him
XXX says:
3. you haven't won NAC three times in a row
XXX says:
4. you haven't got his talent in music
XXX says:
5. you haven't got his talent in sports.
XXX says:
6. you aren't as cute as him
and the list never ends

guess who he's talking about???

Wednesday, December 29, 2004


yep.. to continue where yk left off, fate is really an interesting thing, both loved and hated by people. Fate brings people together and also tears people apart. like they also say "缘分将我俩拉近,又无情地把我们分开" (classic soap opera scenes)

the irony of fate can be explicitly seen in airports... arrival gate will u see people crying out loud and hugging their loved ones; and at the departure gate, people sobbing for the loved ones leaving.

i'm lucky enough not to have any other the scenes at departure gates, or anything remotely simliar to it. and even luckiler, i got few incidents of the former (figuratively). take today for instance, i met my cousin and his wife! so sweet to be going out together... even though they're busy with the baby! and then i met 赵老师 at Borders! she said i never changed at all.. how true!

hm.. can't think of wat else to say. busy chatting!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Learn to be lonely

yay.. finally 17 eh? wanna thank everyone who sent me birthday cards and sms-es.. shan't bother to include ur names, but really luv ya~~ ohoh.. thanks to all those who didn't sent me too... i'm SURE u remembered my birthday.. haha!! and thanks to eugene so his music box! it's so mesmerizing. (although it's only happy birthday)

typing with my new keyboard.. so cool! like the volume control button on the top of the keyboard!

well... heard this in the credits on Phantom of The Opera...

Learn to be Lonely

Child of the wildness
Born into emptiness
Learn to be lonely
Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for You
Comfort and care for You
Learn to be lonely
Learn to be Your one companion

Ever dream out in the world
There are arms to hold You
You've always known
Your heart was on it's own

So laugh in Your loneliness
Child of the wilderness
Learn to be lonely
Learn how to love
Life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely
Life can be lived
Life can be loved

we've all got to accept that no matter how many friends and family u have, there will come a time when u will be all alone. friends and family will leave someday, and love for even ur most loved ones will eventually fade (or so i think). and even worst, there comes times when u feel alone even surrounded by hoards of friends, friends whom u only hang out with, and not pour your heart out to. tt's why people need soulmates i suppose. someone who can lend u a listening ear, and also a shoulder to lean on. but one's soulmate may never appear in his life. so it's good to accept the serenity of solitude. enjoy the peace, the silence, and the moment to sort out your thinking. afterall, they always say the only one you can depend on is yourself! so ppl, embrace ur lonliness!

not sure if i am making sense here.

but merry belated christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004


The most ridiculous thing i've heard in the theater : “幸好我没有看到,要不然就活不过今天了!” This was when i was watching shutter... -_- we couldn't help but chuckle when one gal in the front row exclaimed that. heh. but shutter was really (if u didn't know the plot before hand..) good!

today was supposed to be my one and only free day every since that thing. BUT that had to happen. oh well. it's not as though it never happened before. gotta live with it.

hm... been wondering what my life would be like if i took another path other than the one which brought me here. they say life is like a road with lots of junctions (i think tt's what it's called). when u first start your journey, ur parents have set up a few road blocks, leaving u one straight path.

but there comes a time when u have to make a choice by yourself. studying at tchs, joining co, chosing my friends, studying at hwachong, joining huangcheng, becoming pres, alumni stuff... this list just goes on. there will be times when u question if u have made the right choice. if i had made other choices, i may end up like (for example) nicholas (crazy guy), eugene lim (attention seeking), naifen (!!!), or even smart people like... shengrong (highly impossible).

but i guess i shd count myself lucky to know so many gd friends along the way. hopefully u know who u are. some of you play a larger part in my life than they know it.. so if u havent been able to contact me recenty, i'm busy with alumni prac.. even on weekends... -_- so call me after dec 13! i will hopefully be free.. hehz..

gonna watch charmed s07e10 now!!